
  no-permission: " &8» &cYou don't have enough permissions!"
  players-only: " &8» &cThis command is for players only!"
  reload-successful: " &8» &aPlugin has been reloaded successfully!"
  reload-error: " &8» &cAn error occurred while reloading plugin! Please, check console for more information."
  hud-display-error: " &8» &cAn error occurred while displaying hud! Please, contact server admin."
  hud-not-exists: " &8» &cThis hud doesn't exist!"
  player-offline: " &8» &cThis player is not online!"

  editor-enter: " &8» &aEditor mode enabled!"
  editor-leave: " &8» &cEditor mode disabled!"
  editor-part-save: " &8» &aPart successfully saved!"

  show-no-hud: " &8» &cYou must specify a hud name!"
  show-error: " &8» &cAn error occurred while executing show command! Please, check console for more information."
  show-all: " &8» &7Hud &e{hudName} &7was shown to all players."
  show-player: " &8» &7Hud &e{hudName} &7was shown to player &a{player}&7."

  hide-no-active-hud: " &8» &cThis player doesn't have an active hud!"
  hide-error: " &8» &cAn error occurred while executing hide command! Please, check console for more information."
  hide-all: " &8» &7All huds were hidden from all players!"
  hide-player: " &8» &7Hud &e{hudName} &7was hidden from player &a{player}&7."

  toggle-show: " &8» &7Hud &e{hudName} &7is now visible for you."
  toggle-hide: " &8» &cHud &e{hudName} &cis no longer visible for you."

  toggle-display-error: " &8» &cThis Hud cannot be toggled, because of the display type. Only ACTIONBAR and BOSSBAR displays can be toggled."

  unknown-sub-command: " &8» &cUnknown sub-command! Try &4/bh help"

Last updated